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Non-Denominational Church & Christian Ministry

About Us

HOUSE OF MERCY EVERLASTING is a non-denominational church birthed out of prayer to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Come and Worship with us for a life changing experience!
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HOUSE OF MERCY EVERLASTING in Posen, Illinois, encourages you to celebrate the life of Jesus Christ and give glory to God. We believe in the mandates and doctrines of Jesus Christ, and in keeping faith at the center of all that we do. Join us each Sunday for worship and Tuesday's for Bible Study as we come together for dynamic praise and worship, rich biblical teaching and an opportunity to make a decision to follow Jesus Christ.  Come to HOUSE OF MERCY EVERLASTING and bring yourself and your family closer to God.



Contact us when you're ready to be part of a life changing, powerfully dynamic, non-denominational church.

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